Is this crazy or what? She's knitting with PINS!!! For Christmas I got a 2.75 millimeter crochet hook, but I have yet to use it. I don't think it's half as tiny as those knitting needles.
1. Started your own blog.
2. Slept under the stars.
3. Played in a band.
4. Visited The Great Barrier Reef.
5. Stood under the stars in the outback, the real outback.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
7. Been to the Gold Coast’s theme parks.
8. Climbed a mountain.
9. Held a praying mantis.
10. Sung a solo.
11. Bungee jumped, jumped out of plane, been paragliding or hang-gliding, hot air ballooning – you get the idea, you’ve been hundreds of metres about earth in a seemingly flimsy contraption.
12. Visited Melbourne.
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch.
15. Had a child. Raised a child. Worked with children.
16. Had food poisoning.
17. Been to the Snowy Mountains.
18. Grown your own vegetables.
19. Visited the Brett Whitely studio in Surry Hills, Sydney.
20. Slept on an overnight train or bus.
21. Had a pillow fight.
22. Been backpacking.
23. Taken a mental health day.
24. Been buried in sand with just your head and toes sticking out.
25. Held a possum, kangaroo or koala – or any other native Australian animal.
26. Gone skinny dipping.
27. Been in a fun run.
28. Been on the Blue Mountain cableway.
29. Seen a total eclipse.
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset.
31. Played or watched summer cricket.
32. Sailed, kayaked or canoed our beautiful waterways.
33. Seen the Daintree.
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors.
35. Visited an Aboriginal settlement or mission.
36. Learned a new language.
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
38. Toured the Sydney Opera House.
39. Tried rock climbing (indoor or outdoor), abseiling or just simple bushwalking.
40. Visit Queensland’s Gallery of Modern Art.
41. Been to the Tamworth Country Music Festival.
42. Sunbaked at Bondi.
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant.
44. Visited Broome.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance.
47. Had your portrait painted.
48. Gone fishing.
49. Seen Tasmania’s old growth forests.
50. Been to the top of Q1, on the Gold Coast.
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkelling.
52. Kissed in the rain.
53. Played in the mud.
54. Gone to a drive-in theatre.
55. Been in a movie.
56. Driven the Great Ocean Road.
57. Started a business.
58. Taken a martial arts class.
59. Visited Norfolk Island.
60. Served at a soup kitchen.
61. Sold Girl Scout cookies.
62. Gone whale watching.
63. Got flowers for no reason.
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma.
65. Gone jet boating.
66. Visited Port Arthur.
67. Bounced a check.
68. Flown in a helicopter.
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy.
70. Visited the Australian War Memorial.
71. Eaten Caviar.
72. Pieced a quilt.
73. Stood in Federation Square.
74. Been on the Murray River.
75. Been fired from a job.
76. Travelled, or climbed, over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
77. Broken a bone.
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle.
79. Seen the Three Sisters at Echo Point, Katoomba.
80. Published a book.
81. Visited St Mary’s Cathedral, in Sydney.
82. Bought a brand new car.
83. Been to Hermannsburg.
84. Had your picture in the newspaper.
85. Read the entire Bible.
86. Visited Parliament House.
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating.
88. Had chickenpox.
89. Saved someone’s life.
90. Sat on a jury.
91. Met someone famous.
92. Joined a book club.
93. Lost a loved one.
94. Saved a pet.
95. Been to the site of the Eureka Stockade.
96. Swum in The Whitsundays.
97. Been involved in a lawsuit.
98. Owned a mobile phone.
99. Been stung by a bee.
100. Read an entire book in one day.
All the things in bold, I've done. Wow, I haven't done much. But I'm still young. What about you? I got the list from some blog I read a couple of weeks ago. I can't remember which one. Sorry.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Quick! Vote for Jake T.
Hi! A friend of my brother's was voted into the top 5 in a competition on
Vote here:
His name is Jake T. You can only vote until midnight tonight, so please hurry!
I'm sure he would appreciate it. :] Here's the video that is in the top 5:
Vote here:
His name is Jake T. You can only vote until midnight tonight, so please hurry!
I'm sure he would appreciate it. :] Here's the video that is in the top 5:
written at
7:43 PM
people made my day
Monday, January 26, 2009
A whole bunch of stuff...
I've started my Valentine's Day stuff! Hearts and roses... I used this pattern for the heart, only I added a 2 rows, 1 after round 7 and 1 after round 9. For the rose, I used this pattern.
I started working on this pattern from Goodknits Gracious... mine doesn't look half as good as hers.
Octopi Crafts was given an award! Thanks Cotton and Cloud!
Here's the rules:
1) Put the award on your blog
2) Put a link on your blog of the blogger who gave you the award
5) List 5 things that I'm addicted to
I'm making a bag... Here's the fabric I chose. The flowers will be on the outside, the blue will be the liner. What do you think?
P.S. Visit my other blog, Yarn Equals Love!
P.P.S. I'm glad you all like my calculator! :]
I started working on this pattern from Goodknits Gracious... mine doesn't look half as good as hers.

Here's the rules:
1) Put the award on your blog
2) Put a link on your blog of the blogger who gave you the award
3) Nominate 5 other bloggers...
Sandy's Space
A great blog about crocheting and life! Sandy also recently started another blog devoted to helping the homeless of Ohio, The Bridge Project.
Kuky Ideas
A hilarious blog written by a stay-at-home mom who is also a graphic designer.
If you love great photos and inspirational posts, this is the blog for you!
Jenny S. Stitcher and Scribbler
A cute blog about stitching... and scribbling! :] She also has an etsy store: StitcherScribbler
Candied Fabrics
A mom who dyes fabric and makes the cutest bags! She also has an etsy: Candied Fabrics
4) Leave a comment on their blog notifying them (ASAIHT- As soon as I have time! )Sandy's Space
A great blog about crocheting and life! Sandy also recently started another blog devoted to helping the homeless of Ohio, The Bridge Project.
Kuky Ideas
A hilarious blog written by a stay-at-home mom who is also a graphic designer.
If you love great photos and inspirational posts, this is the blog for you!
Jenny S. Stitcher and Scribbler
A cute blog about stitching... and scribbling! :] She also has an etsy store: StitcherScribbler
Candied Fabrics
A mom who dyes fabric and makes the cutest bags! She also has an etsy: Candied Fabrics
5) List 5 things that I'm addicted to
I'm making a bag... Here's the fabric I chose. The flowers will be on the outside, the blue will be the liner. What do you think?
P.S. Visit my other blog, Yarn Equals Love!
P.P.S. I'm glad you all like my calculator! :]
written at
4:45 PM
people made my day
Friday, January 23, 2009
A whole bunch of stuff...
Firstly, The yarn I made was only enough to make a long chain. I think I will frame it in a shadow box or something like that.
Secondly, my package from Natchwoolie came! It's so, so soft! It was really generous of her to give so much of this wonderful fiber away! It's 4 ounces of pure LOVE.
Thirdly, I bought and received a Phat Fiber box! I bought the "Just stitches" box, and there are so many generous samples in it! Take a look:
Secondly, my package from Natchwoolie came! It's so, so soft! It was really generous of her to give so much of this wonderful fiber away! It's 4 ounces of pure LOVE.
Thirdly, I bought and received a Phat Fiber box! I bought the "Just stitches" box, and there are so many generous samples in it! Take a look:
written at
6:13 PM
people made my day
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Crocheted Calculator
I recently made a crocheted calculator for a friend... Do you like it?
I like it, but I HATE my embroidery! My 1 looks like a 7, and my 8 looks like... I don't know what it looks like, it looks like nothing! Oh, well. I like it anyway.
My favorite part is the removable battery. Like it? It has it's own little compartment!
I like it, but I HATE my embroidery! My 1 looks like a 7, and my 8 looks like... I don't know what it looks like, it looks like nothing! Oh, well. I like it anyway.
My favorite part is the removable battery. Like it? It has it's own little compartment!
written at
7:10 PM
people made my day
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Free Clean/Dirty Dishwasher Sign Pattern
Hi! This is a pattern for all you knitters out there. Do you ever find yourself wondering if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty? With this sign, you won't have to guess any more.
2 Different Colors of Worsted Weight Yarn
1 Magnetic Strip or Suction Cup and Hook for non-metal dishwashers
Size 3.25 mm Knitting Needles
Cast on 23 stitches
Both pieces (Clean and Dirty) are knit from the bottom up.
Follow the graphs and you'll do great.
Click Here for Dirty Graph
Click Here for Clean Graph
Leave a comment if you have any questions!
After you have both pieces done, sew them together using whip stitch and insert the magnetic strip (or attach the hook.) Ta-Da! Now you'll never be confused again. ;]
2 Different Colors of Worsted Weight Yarn
1 Magnetic Strip or Suction Cup and Hook for non-metal dishwashers
Size 3.25 mm Knitting Needles
Cast on 23 stitches
Both pieces (Clean and Dirty) are knit from the bottom up.
Follow the graphs and you'll do great.
Click Here for Dirty Graph
Click Here for Clean Graph
Leave a comment if you have any questions!
After you have both pieces done, sew them together using whip stitch and insert the magnetic strip (or attach the hook.) Ta-Da! Now you'll never be confused again. ;]
written at
11:08 AM
people made my day
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Local Gringos/Colorbomb Creaions- Phat Fiber Giveaway!
Win some awesome cards from Local Gringos! Go to this post to enter.
Win a gift card from Colorbomb Creations! Go to this post to enter.
Phat Fiber rocks!
Win a gift card from Colorbomb Creations! Go to this post to enter.
Phat Fiber rocks!
written at
6:13 PM
1 people made my day
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I've done it!
I've made some yarn! But don't just READ this post! Pretend like you were right next to me! How? Pictures, of course!

My spindle and roving both came on the same day. How perfect!

The first ball of yarn (not plied yet, but still!)

Ball of yarn in previous picture + some yarn on the spindle

Getting ready to dye! (Silly me, I was so excited I forgot take pictures of plying, winding into a skein, and soaking.)

Yarn soaking in Kool-Aid (1 bag Strawberry, 1 bag Soarin' Strawberry Lemonade)


Bowl after yarn has sucked up all the dye, and yarn in comparison to penny. (Super duper bulky!)
I just realized I don't have any pictures of the yarn as a whole! :] More pictures tomorrow of it as a whole and knit up. (Hopefully)
P.S. Another giveaway at Phat Fiber! :] This time from Happy Housewife Soap.

My spindle and roving both came on the same day. How perfect!

The first ball of yarn (not plied yet, but still!)

Ball of yarn in previous picture + some yarn on the spindle

Getting ready to dye! (Silly me, I was so excited I forgot take pictures of plying, winding into a skein, and soaking.)

Yarn soaking in Kool-Aid (1 bag Strawberry, 1 bag Soarin' Strawberry Lemonade)


Bowl after yarn has sucked up all the dye, and yarn in comparison to penny. (Super duper bulky!)
I just realized I don't have any pictures of the yarn as a whole! :] More pictures tomorrow of it as a whole and knit up. (Hopefully)
P.S. Another giveaway at Phat Fiber! :] This time from Happy Housewife Soap.
written at
4:02 PM
people made my day
Thank you guys for all your warm comments, I'm having a MUCH better day today. :]
I got a bunch of different stuff at Jo-Ann's Winter Warm-Up Sale! I got some felt in SO many different colors. I don't even know what I am going to do with it! I got some fabric on clearance, I'm going to make a messenger bag out of it. I'm so excited. I also got some yarn at Michael's. They are having a sale, too. And that's pretty much it! Have a fantastic day!
I got a bunch of different stuff at Jo-Ann's Winter Warm-Up Sale! I got some felt in SO many different colors. I don't even know what I am going to do with it! I got some fabric on clearance, I'm going to make a messenger bag out of it. I'm so excited. I also got some yarn at Michael's. They are having a sale, too. And that's pretty much it! Have a fantastic day!
written at
3:45 PM
people made my day
Monday, January 12, 2009
Great Giveaway!
Phat Fiber is doing another giveaway! This time it's some KIP bags by Brenda.
written at
7:12 PM
people made my day
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I'm so excited!
I won some mohair-wool fiber in a giveaway! I'm so, so happy. I can't wait to see it! I won it over at Phat Fiber. Hop on over there and say hi! They're doing another giveaway! You can win some amazing sock yarn by Stash Up.
Here's what the Kool-Aid looks like:
And the spinning book I got from the library. Don't you just LOVE the library?
Here's what the Kool-Aid looks like:
And the spinning book I got from the library. Don't you just LOVE the library?
written at
3:56 PM
people made my day
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Check out my spinning blog!
I've started another blog about a beginner's adventure in spinning and dyeing yarn. Hop on over and say hello!
written at
3:46 PM
people made my day
Welcome to Yarn equals love!
The point of this blog is to share my experiences as a beginner in the world of spinning and dyeing yarn. This is what I've done so far:
- Bought a spindle off Etsy. (ford4him)
- Bought 6 ounces of roving wool on Etsy (undyedyarns)
- Bought 6 bags of Kool-Aid from my local grocery store.
written at
3:38 PM
people made my day
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Fiber Giveaway
Just wanted to give y'all a head's up about a giveaway going on at Phat Fiber. Hop on over there!
written at
8:56 PM
people made my day
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I made another octopus! :] There are four major differences between this one and my pink octopus.
On another note, I am planning to start another blog in a couple of weeks about my adventures in yarn spinning and dyeing (those adventures haven't started yet, but it's going to be a beginner's adventure in spinning and dyeing yarn.) So keep your eyes peeled!
- This time, it's a boy.
- He's purplish-blue, not pink.
- I used half round eyes for the first time!
- He is listed in my etsy, for those of you interested.
On another note, I am planning to start another blog in a couple of weeks about my adventures in yarn spinning and dyeing (those adventures haven't started yet, but it's going to be a beginner's adventure in spinning and dyeing yarn.) So keep your eyes peeled!
written at
1:48 PM
people made my day
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I'm starting an etsy shop!
:] and I love it... I have listed 3 things so far, a scarf knit by my mom, and 2 scarves knitted by me. Me and my mom are sharing the etsy shop, so she gets the profit from her items, and I get the profit from my items. So hop on over there and tell me what you think!
Here's the stuff we have listed so far:
Here's the stuff we have listed so far:
written at
3:49 PM
people made my day
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