I got the Idea for a monster amigurumi from the flickr group, "Amigurumi Monsters." So here is my ferocious monster, Bloop. yes, his name is Bloop. Like his name?

I also crocheted a amigurumi mermaid, from my own pattern. (Bloop was made from my own pattern, too.) Here she is! Like her hair? I think she looks pretty good for my first try at a mermaid. Do you have any ideas for her name?

Flickr stuff:
I started 2 new groups called 1 is called Octopus Crafts, and 1 is called Mermaid Amigurumi. Feel free to become a member of my groups and add your own pictures of mermaid amigurumi or octopus crafts! :] I also made a tutorial on how to do a single crochet stitch. Here it is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sunnie_fairy/sets/72157606892390754/
I also did some watercolor painting with my little brother. Tell me what you think!

I found a pretty awesome quiz! after you finish the quiz it gives you a profile of yourself. I thought mine was pretty dead-on! try it out: http://dna.imagini.net/friends
I also found some pretty awesome books at the library about crochet, weaving, and embroidery. I love the illustrations in the books. hmm... I checked them all out. The librarian must have thought I was a fabric freak or something. :]
I am trying out one of the projects in the weaving book, it's really fun! Here's what it looks like right now: